Noble AP-2021A

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clean air certified
halal mui
2918 design award

Kemewahan Teknologi pemurni Udara

Teknologi inovatif dengan double air matching filter

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noble point

Design modern dan mewah

The Noble menampilkan desain pemenang penghargaan dalam warna Pebble Grey yang harmonis dan motif alami yang cocok untuk hampir semua ruang.

Panel sentuh mewah

Pilih pengaturan sesuai dengan keinginan dengan hanya satu sentuhan.

noble fitur
nobel airflow

Mode pintar yang menyesuaikan arah angin

Otomatis membersihkan udara sesuai sensor tingkat polusi dan menyesuaikan arah angin secara real time



4d pre filter

4D Filter

Menyaring partikel besar seperti rambut, bulu, pasir dan debu

smoke filter

Smoke Filter

Menyaring gas berbahaya seperti Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) secara efektif

allergen filter

Allergen Filter

Mengurangi tungau debu serta alergen anjing dan kucing

deodorisation filter

Deodorisation Filter

Menghilangkan bau tidak sedap dan gas berbahaya

4d double hepa filter

4D Double HEPA Filter

Menonaktifkan SARS COV-2 varian omicron, Influenza A Virus (H1N1), HumanCoronavirus (HCoV OC43) hingga 99,999%


uvc sterilisation

UVC Sterilisation

Menonaktifkan bakteria seperti E.Coli hingga 99,9%



spec noble

Model Noble (AP-2021A)

Filtration System HEPA Filter System

Masa filter

4D Pre-Filter : Dapat dicuci

Air Matching Filter : 4 Bulan

Double HEPA Filter : 12 bulan

Deodorisation Filter : 24 bulan

Ukuran ruang 66 m²

CADR 7,4m³/menit (444 m³/jam)

Deodorisation rate 99,0%

Noise under 50 db

Daya listrik 55 watt

Nilai Tegangan/Frekuensi 220 V – 40 V/ 50 Hz

Dimensi 320 x 320 x 805 mm

Berat bersih 15 kg

Installation Area Indoor


1. Advanced 6-Step Filtration removes up to 99.999% Ultrafine Dust and 99.9% Airborne viruses, bacteria, black mold.

  1. Negative Ion Generation Test
    Test Model: AP-1520C, Test Contents: Measurement of negative ion generation, Result: Negative ion generation is Over 2,000,000ea/cc, Test Standard: JIS B 9929:2006, Test Institute: : Korea Analysis Test Researcher(KATR), Test Condition: Sunny, 21.4℃, 31% RH (Relative Humidity), Test Chamber: Air Ion Counter COM-3200PRO II (COM SYSTEM, INC., JAPAN), Test Method: Setting device’s mode to TURBO, PLASMA and ION. Aging for 10 minutes and operate the device for 1 hour. After that, install the air sampler inlet at a distance of 10 cm from the machine outlet and operate for 60 minutes. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.
  2. Ultrafine Particle(0.01㎛) Removal Efficiency Test
    Test Model: AP-1520C, Test Contents: 0.01㎛ diameter particle removal efficiency, Result: 99.999%, Test Standard: SPS-KACA 002-132:2018 modified, Test Institute: : Korea Conformity Laboratories, South Korea, Test Condition: Temperature 23.0±1.0℃, Relative Humidity 50.0±1.5%, Test Chamber: 29.6m3, Test Method: Measure the removal rate of 0.01 ㎛ diameter fine particles within 1hours by operating the air purifier in the test chamber. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.
  3. Airborne Viruses Removal Test
    Test Model: AP-1520C, Test Contents: Evaluation of Airborne viruses removal efficiency, Strain Tested: Bacteriophage MS2 ATCC 15597-B1, Phi-X174 bacteriophage ATCC 13706-B1, Result: 99.9%, Test Standard: ISO 16000-36:2018 modified, Test Institute: : Korea Conformity Laboratories, South Korea, Test Condition: Temperature 23.0±0.2℃, Relative Humidity 50.5±3.0%, Test Chamber: 30.0m3, Test Method: The reduction rate compared to the initial concentration of virus was evaluated by operating the air purifier in the test chamber at the rated air volume for 1 hour. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.
  4. Airborne Bacteria Removal Test
    Test Model: AP-1520C, Test Contents: Evaluation of Airborne bacteria removal efficiency, Strain Tested: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus ATCC6538, Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC4352, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC15442, MRSA (Methacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) ATCC33591, Result: 99.9%, Test Standard: ISO 16000-36:2018 modified, Test Institute: : Korea Conformity Laboratories, South Korea, Test Condition: Temperature 23.0±0.2℃, Relative Humidity 50.5±3.0%, Test Chamber: 30.0m3, Test Method: The reduction rate compared to the initial concentration of bacteria was evaluated by operating the air purifier in the test chamber at the rated air volume for 1 hour. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.
  5. Airborne Black Mold Removal Test
    Test Model: AP-1520C, Test Contents: Evaluation of Airborne Black Mold removal efficiency, Strain Tested: Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 9642, Result: 99.9%, Test Standard: ISO 16000-36:2018 modified, Test Institute: : Korea Conformity Laboratories, South Korea, Test Condition: Temperature 23.0±0.2℃, Relative Humidity 50.5±3.0%, Test Chamber: 30.0m3, Test Method: The reduction rate compared to the initial concentration of black mold was evaluated by operating the air purifier in the test chamber at the rated air volume for 1 hour. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.


2. Double HEPA with advanced filter material inactivates up to 99.999% of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant, Influenza A virus (H1N1), Human Coronavirus (HCoV-OC43) with its antibacterial and antifungal performance.

  1. SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Inactivation Test
    Test Subject: Double HEPA Filter Media, Strain Tested: SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant, Result: 99.999%, Test Standard: Guideline for ISO 18184:2019, Test Institute: College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University, South Korea (22.04), Test Method: Test Strain applied on the material of the Double HEPA filter with the survival of virus measured after 4hours. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.
  2. Humancorona Virus (HCoV-OC43) Inactivation Test
    Test Subject: Double HEPA Filter Media, Strain Tested: Humancorona virus(HCoV-OC43), Result: 99.999%, Test Standard: Guideline for ISO 18184:2019, Test Institute: BioPS Co.,Ltd, South Korea (21.06), Test Method: After contacting the test to the test target filter specimen for 12 hours, the degree of growth inhibition compared to the control (Virus Stock Solution) was calculated. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.
  3. Influenza A Virus (H1N1) Inactivation Test
    Test Subject: Double HEPA Filter Media, Strain Tested: Influenza A Virus Subtype (H1N1), Result: 99.9%, Test Standard: Guideline for ISO 18184:2019, Test Institute: BioPS Co.,Ltd, South Korea (21.06), Test Method: After contacting the test to the test target filter specimen for 24 hours, the degree of growth inhibition compared to the control (Virus Stock Solution) was calculated. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.
  4. Antibacterial Test
    Test Subject: Double HEPA Filter Media, Strain Tested: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC6538, Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC4352, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC10145, MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus MRSA) NCCP14752, Bacillus cereus ATCC14579, Result: 99.9%, Test Standard: KS K 0693:2016, Test Institute: FITI testing & Research Institute, South Korea (21.03), Korea Analysis Test Researcher (21.06) Test Method: After injecting the test bacteria into the filter specimen to be tested and contacting them for 18 hours at a temperature of 37±1℃, the degree of inhibition was calculated compared to standard textile (ISO 105-F02) without antibacterial activity. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.
  5. Antifungal Test (1)
    Test Subject: Double HEPA Filter Media, Strain Tested: Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 9642, Penicillium funiculosum ATCC 11797, Chaetomium globosum ATCC 6205, Trichoderma virens ATCC 9645, Aureobasidium pullulans ATCC 15233, Result: 0 grade (None), Test Standard: ASTM G 21-15, Test Institute: Korea Conformity Laboratories, South Korea (21.04) Test Method: After injecting the fungal strain (mixed strain) into the filter specimen to be tested, incubated for 4 weeks at a temperature of 29±0.2℃ and a relative humidity of 92.8±2.0%, and then mold resistance was evaluated. The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.
  6. Antifungal Test (2)
    Test Subject: Double HEPA Filter Media, Strain Tested: Trichophyton mentagrophytes ATCC32457, Trichophyton rubrum ATCC62345, Result: 1 grade (No growth), Test Standard: AATCC30, Test Institute: Korea Analysis Test Researcher (21.06) Test Method: After injecting the test bacteria into the filter specimen to be tested, incubating it for 2 weeks at a temperature of 25±1℃, and evaluating the mold resistance compared to Qualitative Filter Paper (Grade 1, Φ55 mm). The indicated value is indicated within the error range of the test result of the evaluation institution and since the measured value is calculated in a closed experimental environment, it may vary in the use environment. The presented test results are the initial performance of the product, and performance may vary depending on usage time.

Perfect For You


Package 72

Rp. 420.000 / bln

Gratis perawatan unit, penggantian filter dan garansi unit hingga 6 tahun

Package 60

Rp. 470.000 / bln

Gratis perawatan unit, penggantian filter dan garansi unit hingga 5 tahun

Package 36

Rp. 550.000 / bln

Gratis perawatan unit, penggantian filter dan garansi unit hingga 3 tahun

Product Only

Rp. 14.652.000

Tanpa perawatan unit, penggantian filter dan garansi unit hingga 1 tahun

Package Filter

Rp. 2.500.000

Penggantian filter dan garansi unit hingga 1 tahun

Harga produk Coway sudah termasuk pajak yang berlaku, biaya pengiriman dan instalasi di dalam area service ( Jakarta, Tangerang, Serang, Bekasi , Depok, Bogor, Bandung, Garut, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan) Garansi unit hanya meliputi kerusakan dengan penggunaan dan pemakaian normal, kerusakan yang diakibatkan kelalaian pengguna tidak termasuk dalam garansi yang dimaksud.